õnce had so much kittens!~
Not for you to boost around with your high IQ.
Neither not for you to feel has beaten the rest siblings.
Kembali saya berfikir, kenapa harus belajar rajin-rajin. Target dulu saya(ehem2!) :
a) Best Student PMR, SPM(failed)
b) Aktif sukan(love it sooo..much!)
c) 8Á PMR, 13Ái SPM(slightly failed..)
d) Get one best friend
Then, I started realise they were just too straight, too normal. Serupa je macam impian kawan2 yang lain. Follow what the family(parents..he2) has decided for you. Be a good, loyal daughter. Yes, memang dulu family comes first. Everything you do must first consider family's feeling. Consider jugak bf's feeling(kalau ada..;)
Semakin melangkah jauh dalam kematangan berfikir, I would love to explore people's mind. Yeaw! Hee..:D maybe many realised that I started to 'termenung'jauh, 'merenung' someone's face for quite a long time(jangan takut eh..)..Yep, I was exploring you attitude, behavior etc.
How mature you are in thinking, I wonder?
Now my target(yeeha!) :
a) Be the best as in people see you as a Muslim(there is no bad Muslim kan?)
b) Jaga keputusan result, let family see you as someone excellent.
c) Jadi kakak yang hebat kepada adik2(hopefully...\^0^/ )
d) Syahid dalam berjuang untuk agama ALLAH nie..
So, tak fly pun takpe kan? Sesungguhnya hanya Allah yang Maha Mengetahui apa yang terbaik untuk hamba2NYA..
So, takbir?
Allahuakbar, Allahuakbar, Allahuakbar!
Saya selalu berpesan kepada adik2 tersayang, "Belajar rajin-rajin!".
But not for you to feel proud of yourself.
Not for you to boost around with your high IQ.
Neither not for you to feel has beaten the rest siblings.
Kembali saya berfikir, kenapa harus belajar rajin-rajin. Target dulu saya(ehem2!) :
a) Best Student PMR, SPM(failed)
b) Aktif sukan(love it sooo..much!)
c) 8Á PMR, 13Ái SPM(slightly failed..)
d) Get one best friend
Then, I started realise they were just too straight, too normal. Serupa je macam impian kawan2 yang lain. Follow what the family(parents..he2) has decided for you. Be a good, loyal daughter. Yes, memang dulu family comes first. Everything you do must first consider family's feeling. Consider jugak bf's feeling(kalau ada..;)
Semakin melangkah jauh dalam kematangan berfikir, I would love to explore people's mind. Yeaw! Hee..:D maybe many realised that I started to 'termenung'jauh, 'merenung' someone's face for quite a long time(jangan takut eh..)..Yep, I was exploring you attitude, behavior etc.
How mature you are in thinking, I wonder?
Now my target(yeeha!) :
a) Be the best as in people see you as a Muslim(there is no bad Muslim kan?)
b) Jaga keputusan result, let family see you as someone excellent.
c) Jadi kakak yang hebat kepada adik2(hopefully...\^0^/ )
d) Syahid dalam berjuang untuk agama ALLAH nie..
So, tak fly pun takpe kan? Sesungguhnya hanya Allah yang Maha Mengetahui apa yang terbaik untuk hamba2NYA..
So, takbir?
Allahuakbar, Allahuakbar, Allahuakbar!