rindunya kt blog i missed Him more..he2..
nk dgr cte x??
during saturday night, students sume takde xtvt cm prep. so ana took that time to do what i'm waiting for long time..lame sgt x buat mende ni..rase after solat isyak at surau, ana amik Al-Quran warne pink( gift from my sis, Hanna) and i continued my readings. Exactly, ayat2 yg ana bace tu pun bace biase2 jer tp suddenly rase syahdu sgt.. yela.. lpas solat isyak, sume pg balik bilik..just left me and badar(meeting).. rase mcm sedih sgt... maybe dh lame x bace dgn khusyuk kot.. then, rase nk nangis.. ana pun cpt2 keluar dri surau pg kt back verandah...sbb nnt ade badar laki nmpk..
thanks, Allah for giving me this very beautiful moment..Alhamdulillah Dia bg ana peluang untuk berkhalwat dgnnya, untk kembali ingat kepadaNya...syukur sgt..kalaulah ana xstay kt surau mlm tuh, mst xdpt this golden chance.. syukur sgt sbb analah yg dipilih..he2..
then, that night, ana pnjam phone sorang kwn niyh..and my sister, Hanna called me..
and die smpt bagi tazkirah kt ana which sound like this:
tak ingat sgt..'katakanlah wahai Muhammad, jika umatmu berjalan menuju ke arahKU, akan Aku berlari kepadanya. Ketahuilah umatku bahwa Aku sangat merindui orang yang telah berpaling daripadaKu...'
lebih kurang mcm tulah..these firman really influence me.. mcm rse betape sayaaangnya Allah kt kite..and my friend Hayati penah ckp:
kalo kite rase mcm jauh drpd Allah, nyanyi lagu Damba Kasih..intro dye lebih kurang mcm nie:
'semakin ku jauh darimu..
semakin dekat kau pula menghampiri daku..'
see?? I really can feel betapa tingginya kasih sayang Allah kt kite kalo nk banding dgn kasih kite kt dye..and tenkiu, acik..for telling me the tazkirah..
so, think wisely in your heart, not in your mind about the sweetness of ISLAM and Iman..
Sunday, March 29, 2009
sweetness of Iman..
Posted by Aida at 11:08 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 28, 2009
doa yang tiada buahnya?
Assalamualaikum and good morning everyone, especially to my belovd partner and sister, Cik Aida Mahat. He2. This will be my second post, I guess. So, I'm trying my best to start a new day off as beautiful as it is always be. Right? I hope it is ok to you for me to mix around some Malay and Korean as well. *ehem2.
Pernah suatu ketika di zaman Rasulullah sallalallhu alaihi wasalam, seorang sahabat bertanya pada Nabi, "Ya Nabi, adakah Allah itu jauh sehingga aku perlu memanggilnya dengan kuat atau dia begitu dekat sehingga cukup jika aku membisikiNYA?"
Muhammad s.a.w terdiam sehingga turunlah wahyu Allah.
"Dan apabila hamba-hambaKu bertanya kepadamu (Muhammad) tentang Aku, maka sesungguhnya Aku dekat,
Aku kabulkan permohonan orang yang berdoa kepadaKu. Hendaklah mereka memenuhi (perintah) Ku dan beriman kepada Ku, agar mereka memperoleh kebenaran" [Al-Baqarah:186]
Sahabat yang bertanya tadi pun tersenyum. Saya terpegun. Indahnya Allah!!
Posted by semut at 4:20 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
IRO 08
thanks to mukhzani for being my partner to make our mobile court..hahaha
first2 tuh terkejut jugaklah sbb cikgu ckp kite kene outstation for 10 days.. sambut raye haji pun xsempat nk kene g mrsm, pagi2 mukh dah tepon...tapi xready pape.. bagusla tuh.. sbb salah tarikh..agak terkocoh2 gak r...
and bermulalah pengembaraan di mrsm kkb..kaum2 hawa dikejutkan dgn berita bahawa peserta pputeri hanyalah 20 org manakalan psrta llelaki 120 org.. ingtkan ckgu wat lawak tapi mmg btul pun.. ayuh!! mukh, semangat!!! nak semangat pe nyer, laptop rosak..aieee.. wat hal tyme 2 hari nk match..xpe2..ujian..
the time has come!! bla...bla..bla.. and everything habis.. things that very syok is that others thought that mukh n i are twin..hahaha..and i met koreans, indonesians, chinese and sbs students.. all of them were really great and thanks to u all...hehehe..
ps* ingatlah..jika itu rezeki kita, gunakanlah dengan sebaiknya..fikirkan apa yg terbaik untuk rezeki itu.. ia pun ade hak dye..and always love people around u although different colours, blood or anythng. they might bring much benefits...who knows?? ALLAH knew it more than us.. Put Him in the 1st place..
Posted by Aida at 11:46 AM 0 comments
chemistry in friends..
sir hasbi is there!!, after burning, we all finished our unit beruniform that eh gmbr ni... hahaha
everyday, b4 the camp, every night we practiced well..yes.. izzat pun cam tungkus-lumus jer..cewh..and we're struggling..and..
that time i realised...friendship..pengakap never been so close right now. we have so much fun..
i hope u guys can enjoy ur friendship b4 it SHIPPING TO NOWHERE..hehehe.. so i want to give a big applause to all scout members for their cooperation..hehehe.. once a scout always a scout..
ps*: Just appreciate ur friends very much and enjoy is always a kind act..
Posted by Aida at 11:24 AM 0 comments