percayalah padaNYA..
kerana dulu aku pernah ingkar dan aku merasa jauh dariNYA.
there are stories to share..
percayalah padaNYA..
kerana dulu aku pernah ingkar dan aku merasa jauh dariNYA.
Posted by semut at 3:51 AM 0 comments
someone miss me eh? me too is missing you right now..
rase menyesal plak ble tyme cuti, jarang tegur dye.. tapi bile dalam telefon, sangat mesra.. my sis, i don't know what will happen to me if you go there? can i control myself from doing jahiliyah things?? All that i can do only berserah padaNya.. Insya Allah..
heyh, don't stare at me like that, my tiny heart said.. adakah anak panah mata syaitan itu sedang dipanahkan ke dalam mata para lelaki di sini? kdg2, diri ana ini tidak selesa dengan 'mende' tersebut.. Kenapa dye selalu pndg kt aku ek?? dye ske aku ek? atau tudung aku xmaintain?? nilah sume persoalan yang tercetus sebab terkene panah itu..
tahulah wahai perempuan dan lelaki, tunduklah pandanganmu..adakah anda yakin bahawa anda tidak memandang dia tidak bernafsu..ketahuilah, bahawa manusia itu ada kelemahannya..
now, let's bermujahadah..i wrote it on my table.. tahan nafsu..nafsu jahat..nafsu degil.. tanganinya dengan berhikmah, ye..
baiklah, saya perlu pergi. Wasalam..
Posted by Aida at 7:02 AM 0 comments
Posted by Aida at 6:51 AM 0 comments
Looks like I am mising someone. He2.
Orang Melaka rasanya. Oh 'someone', let us really value our holiday together next time, ok? A lot to be shared and to be told before I go far away.
Then if we not share today, when will be the next chance I wonder?
Happy mujahadah my 'someone'. My advice isn't enough for you to survive there nonetheless His power can overcome everything. Dear sis, gather your strength and seek His too. Acik prays for your wellness. Let us together hold hands and proudly across the bridge to His beautiful heaven. Allahuakbar!
Posted by semut at 6:10 PM 0 comments
assalamualaikum to my little sis, Kakak and everyone. It looks like nobody's home (yang ghaib tu tak payah cerita la..) Since 2 days ago Kakak left home, I have been taking over her place. Sits quitely but I know I must work hard to preserve eman inside this heart.
Quitely but I know He is there for me.
Yesterday I watched useless thing and I realised that I was not stopping it. See, it showed my eman has fallen a bit. And today I am given a break from solah, fasting and things like direct-ibadah. Ala, cuti seminggu...Honestly, it gives me a pinch on cheek. I cannot anymore perform solah and fasting for a week. See how Allah teaches me to value the time I had by limiting my ibadah for me. Ya Allah, ku rasa Engkau tak sudi menerima ibadah ku..Yes, the pain is still there. Inside.
Hopefully, the remporary break will end soon. So that I can start and upgrade my ibadah again.
Posted by semut at 5:37 PM 0 comments
dah berkurun xbukak blog..xde mase?? malas kot.. tapi kene buang jauh2.. it is no good for u, aida. (:
a story for the readers...
korang penah x rase yang ble korang study rajin pun, markah stil fail.. like me.. untuk subjek physics.. xtw la pe nk jadi ngn subjek tuh.. cm xde harapan je.. huahuahua.. then, i told my sis about it.. kakak, don't be sad.. kdg2 pe yg kte nak, xsemestinyer kte dpt.. at least, u've tried ur best.. u know what, Allah see the effort..usaha.. yg tu yg sgt penting.. comparison: ali study hard but he only got 50 for addmath. abu study lepak2 and he got 90 for add math. which one Allah choose?? of course ali..
p/s: always do ur best to get the best.. that's the promise.. First important priorities: ALLAH
Posted by Aida at 12:17 AM 0 comments
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