Sunday, December 20, 2009

ketuk skit kepala tuh!!

salam alayk!

it had been almost 2 weeks since i started my holidays or since i ended up my school ages.. that period of time, i judging myself  till now wondering whether did i am strong enough to endure anything out there?

at first, i thought i can..i mean overcome all those things that can weaken your 'iman'.. but then, i started to feel boring and i tried something new.. (don't get misunderstood!) yeah, i started to watch videos, dramas, and hearing musics.. but then, i still performed ibadah lah..

but that was something i feel merely not me.. it seem s that my ibadah doesn't help me get rid of those bad things. those things still conquered my heart and most of my times, i felt not 'khusyuk' thinking of the movies characters while i'm doing my solat.. such a ridiculous person seh!! ):

then, i felt bad thinking of this was just a merely two weeks holidays.. aida, you'll have 6 months more. i'm wondering what the hack i'll be..

nauzubillah himinzallik.


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

i will surely love them very much.. cousins


salam alayk!

ehm, di sini saya ingin berkongsi satu pengalaman yang meneguhkan hati saya.

i: "tau x.. i really want to go to rusia!! kat sane ade uni yang second-world best!! moscow medical academy (mma) second-world best in medicine"

aida: "yg first tuh pe?"

i: "cambridge"

aida: "omg, gler r..dah la susah gler masuk situ"

starting from there, i started to be jealous with her.. yeah, i admitted that she really deserved there. REALLY!! and i hope she wil be there. AMIN.. that talk drove me since then, i really become rejuvenated! hahaha..

ever since, i just targeting to take medicine in wherever university. at least i got it.but seeing other people perception, they don't just want to take medicine, but instead, want to get a place in world-top university. such an ambitious person..

despite of that, i started to plan , quite well my route to my dream. i knew it's going to be though, really though and other people thought that i can't do it and it is impossible..

 yeah, i know i'm such an average person in tgb, but why not? challenge yourself sometimes. this is the time. then when?

thanks to su for telling me this story:

' aida, u know what? jgn la rase lemah dgn pe org ckp. n dun feel down. sape tau. Kalo ALLAH nk kite dpt, bleyh je kan..nk tau i dulu pun tyme kt tigs, asyik dpt num 3 jer.. atas i selalu chinese kembar tuh conquer..mmg diorang jela.. ble i bgtau my frend about my desire to beat them (the chinese) other people said, xpayah la su..impossible la..tapi i still kuatkan semangat. mmg berusaha gler la..yakin yg i bleh dpt.. at last, ble kuar results, i dpt num1 and other people said whoa, su. camner boleh dpt..sume org asked my advices..hhihi..mission accomplished!'

yeah, i became rejuvenated.. hopefully, i can achieved my dream. you can do it, AIDA!!!

doakan saya dan rakan2 yang lain dapat merealisasikan impian..hahaha. (:

come back, AIDA!!

salam alayk,

huh!! penat sungguh, iye ke? betul la selepas berbulan-bulan berjuang untuk SPM dan trial SPM.. dan Alhamdulillah, segalanya ditangani dengan izin Allah dengan mudah..

aduih, pabila menjejakkan kaki ke rumah, bermulalah segalanya. bukan mudah untuk mempertahankan iman yang dibina di mrsm tgb, kerana di rumah, tiada lagi homework dan apa2 saje yang mampu membuatkan kite sibuk dan melupakan segala filem-filem korea dan internet.

kini, saya hanya bertemankan mp4 di mana-mana sahaja..tapi dengar jugak lagu2 korea n lagu2 maksim..pelah, aida niyh..

ayoh, barulah saya rase susah nk jaga iman ni..bak kata acik, "akak kene pandai mencari dah tau..cari usrah n kene pandai control diri"

huhuhu... susah la kak cik.. tapi I'll try my best!! chaiyok3x, AIDA

btw, cuti niyh ade byk plan..semoga segala rancangan ini mendapat keredhaanNYA dan mendekatkan lagi saya kepada Allah.. InsyaAllah..

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