salam alayk!
ehm, di sini saya ingin berkongsi satu pengalaman yang meneguhkan hati saya.
i: "tau x.. i really want to go to rusia!! kat sane ade uni yang second-world best!! moscow medical academy (mma) second-world best in medicine"
aida: "yg first tuh pe?"
i: "cambridge"
aida: "omg, gler r..dah la susah gler masuk situ"
starting from there, i started to be jealous with her.. yeah, i admitted that she really deserved there. REALLY!! and i hope she wil be there. AMIN.. that talk drove me since then, i really become rejuvenated! hahaha..
ever since, i just targeting to take medicine in wherever university. at least i got it.but seeing other people perception, they don't just want to take medicine, but instead, want to get a place in world-top university. such an ambitious person..
despite of that, i started to plan , quite well my route to my dream. i knew it's going to be though, really though and other people thought that i can't do it and it is impossible..
yeah, i know i'm such an average person in tgb, but why not? challenge yourself sometimes. this is the time. then when?
thanks to su for telling me this story:
' aida, u know what? jgn la rase lemah dgn pe org ckp. n dun feel down. sape tau. Kalo ALLAH nk kite dpt, bleyh je kan..nk tau i dulu pun tyme kt tigs, asyik dpt num 3 jer.. atas i selalu chinese kembar tuh conquer..mmg diorang jela.. ble i bgtau my frend about my desire to beat them (the chinese) other people said, xpayah la su..impossible la..tapi i still kuatkan semangat. mmg berusaha gler la..yakin yg i bleh dpt.. at last, ble kuar results, i dpt num1 and other people said whoa, su. camner boleh dpt..sume org asked my advices..hhihi..mission accomplished!'
yeah, i became rejuvenated.. hopefully, i can achieved my dream. you can do it, AIDA!!!
doakan saya dan rakan2 yang lain dapat merealisasikan impian..hahaha. (:
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