Sunday, July 26, 2009

salam, all the best for hereafter!

nice day, good spirits!! chaiyok2..may Allah bless u.

dedicated to: lovely families, friends at tgb, friends at kk, ft, awal, and others. 


ms mazlini said that i'm a lone ranger. She also said that i'm not comfortable with myself. yup, that teacher was psychotic but i like her. one of my fav teachers..eheh.. betul ke x comfort?

ye kot.. kdg2 aku pun xknal sgt ngn dri aku niyh.. Allah knew more that me..hehehe.. ade mood, alim semacam...ade mood, khayal semacam.. tapi aku ikut jela.. ok kan..

sori, guys.. sometimes, aku bg tazkeerah kt korg and suddenly, aku merapu.. i'm not perfect, u know that?? but one thing that I know for sure is that I love all of you.. 

xkisah la care mende pun kan, yg pnting, i want you guys to get something from me while visiting my blog site. hopefully....

ikka and nazrin


don't judge a book by its cover @ don't judge people by their physical's appearence, maybe..

should I?? pap!! amik kau.. sape suh caye dye? nmpk je luar mcm tuh..kt dlm, x sangke.. aku bukan nka aibkan dye but i want to give some examples..

nape dye wat cmtuh?? nape3? seolah2 aku diperbodohkan.. bukan aku je..sume org.. nape nk wat cmtuh? just become yourself lyke erika. sometimes, she's good, vice versa. but at least, she's become herself..betul2, mcm tu la bagus.. dun tipu2 others. if not, once they knew, u will never get their trustworthy anymore..yup.. i'm serious!

t-shirt batch..

nice, huh?? (sori, guys)


salam.. terpikir jap.. eyh, pe aku nk jadi ble besar?? DENTIST!! same cm dian.. yup2 tp takut la aku xdpt. kalo ikutkan, bley jer dpt result trial MARA ngn SPM tu bagus2 tp kalo x perform tyme interview, xde makne der..  tu yg aku takut.. INTERVIEW.. huhu.. doakan aku yer.. nanti ramai2 dtg klinik aku free, k?

huh..penat lorh

salam. mktb aku kene tutup. yup, kene h1n1. terkejut gak r sbb 2 mnggu lg nk pra trial seh.. risau2..baru minggu lpas blek, kene blek umah..susah nk blaja..xpe2..aku rancang nk g library ngn mukh la..tu pun kalo dye free.. bosan gler..aku ingat lagi..

halim, nak otak2 rm2. mlm tuh kt tgb ade pasar mlm..kt ds plak tgah sibuk2 ade nurse tgah check simptom2 h1n1..aku malas nk pg sbb xde check-up. bapak lame nyer halim bakar mende tuh, aku pun b'panas tepi-tepian. tetibe kt surau kuar announcement 

"maktab akan ditutup kerana terdapat jangkitan h1n1."

mak oi. bingit telinga aku dgr budak2 ni menjerit. gembira atau 'sedih', aku pun xtau. at last, dpt gak otak2 ni..risau aku nk bg tau ibu. last2 ibu ckp nk amik. x byk esoknyer, aku xpg taklimat..aku t'tido lpas jln2 kt kelas.. pagi tuh, pukul 8.00pg.

kt kelas nmpk senyap sgt. kt blok akademik pun. ramai dah blek mlm td. dah la tgah nyaman, aku lepak2 jap suh yg len blek hostel dlu. tetibe ade org menyanyi.. ALUBAH.. hahaha.. awat pi nyanyi lagu rockers dlu2?? lpas tuh, aku berangan jap..

ble balik hostel, ibu ngan ayah dah dtg..pah ikut aku blek sbb umah dye jauh..xpe2..bleh teman aku di kala kebosanan..eheh..perjalananku ke rumah bermula:

jasin ke tampin ke bandar kuala pilah(org kahwin) ke johol(kampung) ke umah.

ibu jmput aku pkul 10 pagi. at last, smpai umah kul 0530 petang.huh, penat2. mlm tuh aku ikut ibu g hntr adik kt klang. lagi penat, tp aku suke. jalan2. malam tuh, smpi umah kul 1130 malam. nasib bek iman aku kuat walaupun mata dah layu gler.. g solat isyak.. dah2 tuh, aku pg katil yg empuk, berselubung n  gud nite..sweet dream..

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