Thursday, May 7, 2009

sedih yang mendatang

assalamualaikum to my little sis, Kakak and everyone. It looks like nobody's home (yang ghaib tu tak payah cerita la..) Since 2 days ago Kakak left home, I have been taking over her place. Sits quitely but I know  I must work hard to preserve eman inside this heart.

Quitely but I know He is there for me.

Yesterday I watched useless thing and I realised that I was not stopping it. See, it showed my eman has fallen a bit. And today I am given a break from solah, fasting and things like direct-ibadah. Ala, cuti seminggu...Honestly, it gives me a pinch on cheek. I cannot anymore perform solah and fasting for a week. See how Allah teaches me to value the time I had by limiting my ibadah for me. Ya Allah, ku rasa Engkau tak sudi menerima ibadah ku..Yes, the pain is still there. Inside.

Hopefully, the remporary break will end soon. So that I can start and upgrade my ibadah again. 


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