Wednesday, May 6, 2009

dah berkurun xbukak blog..xde mase?? malas kot.. tapi kene buang jauh2.. it is no good for u, aida. (:
a story for the readers...
korang penah x rase yang ble korang study rajin pun, markah stil fail.. like me.. untuk subjek physics.. xtw la pe nk jadi ngn subjek tuh.. cm xde harapan je.. huahuahua.. then, i told my sis about it.. kakak, don't be sad.. kdg2 pe yg kte nak, xsemestinyer kte dpt.. at least, u've tried ur best.. u know what, Allah see the effort..usaha.. yg tu yg sgt penting.. comparison: ali study hard but he only got 50 for addmath. abu study lepak2 and he got 90 for add math. which one Allah choose?? of course ali..

p/s: always do ur best to get the best.. that's the promise.. First important priorities: ALLAH


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